Frederick Dunn shares his experiences with backyard honey bee keeping and management. Viewers of his YouTube Channel send in their backyard bee-related questions and Fred responds. Join us won’t you? Visit the Frederick Dunn YouTube Channel to see Fred’s video content covering a wide range of topics.

Friday Sep 02, 2022
Friday Sep 02, 2022
Welcome to another episode of backyard beekeeping questions and answers.
This is the audio track from today's YouTube video: https://youtu.be/GYmqebINzWw
Topic list and associated time-stamps are generously provided by:
Adam Holmes
1) Is there such a thing as too many frames of pollen? I did put a couple of pollen frames in-between some brood. 3:27
2) I noticed a yellow dot on the thorax of some of my bees. It's strikingly yellow just like a marking pen! 10:15
3) Our City has begun fogging for mosquitos due to West Nile Virus. Do I need to somehow fully close the entrance on fogging nights? 11:58
4) Any recommendations for how you built your robbing station? 15:39
5) What is the reason some bees are grey? Could this be the winter bees? 24:35
6) I'm not sure if I should provide more space for my bees this time of year? I plan to feed dry sugar and Hive Alive patty? Pine shavings on top? 27:31
7) I tried a rapid round hive top feeder and it caused robbing right away, now I'm open feeding. I don't know if my colonies are strong enough? 38:30
8) We've requeened twice with Saskatraz Queens with no success. The last queen was in her cage for 5 days and her attendants were dead. Perhaps you might be able to address this? 44:42
9) Do bees have a problem with cornstarch? Is corn starch in powdered sugar shake harmful to the bees? 50:30
10) My stronger colony came in and viciously robbed my other hive. The queen has not laid an egg in two weeks, can we save them? 52:43
11) In your experience are there more uncapped frames/cells when there is low rainfall? The honey flavor is more intense, is this also a factor of low rainfall? 56:02
12) I was inspecting my hive and the queen flew away, how was she able to fly? Not five minutes later, she returned. Now What? 1:00:10
13) I'm interested in building a Long Langstroth Hive, should I build it with 2 x or 3/4 plywood? I want to incorporate flow frames into the hive, what about entrance placement? 1:06:00
14) I have ventilation in the top of my hive but it creates condensation. Should I use burlap, or wood shavings and close the top ventilation? 1:16:50
15) Do honey bees use the Last In First Out system for honey consumption? 1:22:23
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