Frederick Dunn shares his experiences with backyard honey bee keeping and management. Viewers of his YouTube Channel send in their backyard bee-related questions and Fred responds. Join us won’t you? Visit the Frederick Dunn YouTube Channel to see Fred’s video content covering a wide range of topics.

Friday Feb 18, 2022
Friday Feb 18, 2022
This is the audio track from today's YouTube Video: https://youtu.be/aHJXV3OqKcw
Questions and time-stamps generously provided by -
1) With my Layen's hive, how can I get sugar on them? I know Dr. Leo says not to feed. 1:31
2) What are your thoughts on Dr. Seeley's book The Lives Of Bees, is that even feasible in today's beekeeping? 7:24
3) Amy asks, what is your favorite thing about beekeeping? 17:26
4) During winter, on warmer days, do honey bees move their honey resources closer to the brood area? 19:54
5) Do you recommend any manufacturer's swarm trap that can also be used as a nuc for beekeeping? 26:19
6) Would you treat a swarm captured in a Bee Vac, while it's still in the vac? Would they associate the treatment with the vac instead of their forever home? 33:28
7) What's your opinion regarding what's a good temperature for adding feed to bees in winter? 40:41
8) Will 18 frames be enough for wintering honey bees in a Long Langstroth hive? 45:16
9) If I collect dead bees and some of them have their proboscis extended, is that normal? 48:47
10) Does painting hives different colors really help them find their hives? 50:54
11) What's the best way to protect beemax hive top feeders from UV? Can honey bees potentially chew polystyrene? 1:00:10
12) I found a dead queen at the entrance to my hive, will a QMP pheromone strip work to keep them queenless until I can replace her? 1:06:17