Frederick Dunn shares his experiences with backyard honey bee keeping and management. Viewers of his YouTube Channel send in their backyard bee-related questions and Fred responds. Join us won’t you? Visit the Frederick Dunn YouTube Channel to see Fred’s video content covering a wide range of topics.

Friday Dec 17, 2021
Friday Dec 17, 2021
This is the audio track from today's Youtube video: https://youtu.be/0Sg_8GP_pTQ
1) When your honey bee colony goes brood-less, do the varroa mites die? 1:30
2) Will you go over various bottom boards and why you choose each one? When do you switch them? 8:17
3) I know that you insulate the top of your hives. Is it true that bees only have a hard time in winter, is when they are very cold for an extended period. Can they handle 1 week, maybe 2? 16:27
4) Do you put out syrup for the bees if the temperatures are going to be high enough for them to forage? 30:08
5) We are expanding our apiary, I noticed that you used Lyson adjustable stands, is there a reason that you moved to iron T-Posts? 34:47
6) Will honey bees clean out the poop left behind in the cells by varroa destructor mites? 42:28
7) I was thinking of putting up a swarm trap with better-comb, Tom Seeley said pieces of comb was not advisable in his article. Will wax moths or small hive beetles destroy it? 46:05
8) We are planning to move a hive this winter, over rocky terrain. Can you recommend a good way to secure it? 53:00
9) I'm being told that bees won't lay comb on the plastic frames unless they are pre-waxed by using melted beeswax, is this the case? 56:25
10) How close can my hives be to my chickens, would free-range chickens eat the bees, or would the bees attack the chickens? 1:00:43
11) What are the top 3 reads for beginning beekeepers when opening a hive? 1:06:21
12) If I put fondant on, is it better than honey or the syrup, and will this cause the bees to starve because they won't go back down to the honey stores? 1:09:28
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Adam Holmes