Frederick Dunn shares his experiences with backyard honey bee keeping and management. Viewers of his YouTube Channel send in their backyard bee-related questions and Fred responds. Join us won’t you? Visit the Frederick Dunn YouTube Channel to see Fred’s video content covering a wide range of topics.

Friday Dec 03, 2021
Backyard Beekeeping Questions and Answers Episode 136
Friday Dec 03, 2021
Friday Dec 03, 2021
This is the audio track from today's YouTube video presentation.
Thank you so much for listening!
Topics and time-stamps are generously provided by:
Adam Holmes
1) When I start with a swarm, or package of bees, can I start them in a 8 or 10 frame regular hive, or do I need to purchase a nuc? 3:49
2) When you do the queen excluder test with the queen being caged for varroa control, could I use a drone frame in that cage, or would that impact the colony's relationship to the queen? 15:00
3) Would you mind explaining how you go about doing your splits? 25:04
4) If I order package bees, would you suggest BeeWeaver, Saskatraz, or some other line? 32:08
5) If you have bee stock that you like and know is good. Could you raise more drones and flood the area with your selected genetics? 39:39
6) What do you think about having a hole in the front of the flow box that is elevated? 49:08
7) Regarding your varroa mite control plan, if the mite scoots into a cell with a larva just before it's capped, will the Oxalic Acid Vapor still kill it? Or would you have to alter your application schedule? 53:31
8) What do you know about Texas 5000 bees? I've heard you talk about BeeWeaver bees, which are pricier. 57:12
9) We are feeding dry sugar and at times slipping in some fondant, does giving them fondant stimulate them for brood production, or is it just emergency backup feed? 1:05:13
10) If I hang drawn comb with larvae already in it, and change the orientation for a Layens Hive, will this damage the developing larvae? 1:10:03
11) If I use the BeeSmart Design insulated inner cover, do I still have to tilt the hive forward, or does it work better level? 1:17:00
12) Whatever happened to the waxed plastic frames you had that prevented small hive beetles from hiding in them? 1:20:15
13) Is a steel queen excluder better than a plastic one? 1:23:53
14) Can you go over some of the basics about your Observation Hive? Do they mind the light? How can you keep one in an un-heated space? 1:28:15
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