Frederick Dunn shares his experiences with backyard honey bee keeping and management. Viewers of his YouTube Channel send in their backyard bee-related questions and Fred responds. Join us won’t you? Visit the Frederick Dunn YouTube Channel to see Fred’s video content covering a wide range of topics.
Friday Oct 01, 2021
Backyard Beekeeping Questions and Answers Episode 128 with Frederick Dunn
Friday Oct 01, 2021
Friday Oct 01, 2021
This is the audio track of today's Youtube presentation: https://youtu.be/t6qkbZbgDx8
The following time codes are generously provided by
Adam Holmes
1:45 1)In the past you were treatment free, would you go over your reasons for changing? The good and the bad? 13:38 2)One of my queens fainted when I was marking her. The condition is in the book Queen Bee: Biology, Rearing and Breeding:
3)I didn't find my queen, lots of capped brood. No queen cells. So do I split this hive now if no queen? What is the best way to keep this hive from swarming?
4)I have a flow hive with the super full of honey. I put the flow-super above that and they are not filling it up. Should I move the super?
5)We have rapid round feeders in Norway. The quality is highly variable as you know. Does the sock really work to minimize drowning?
6)I live in Texas, what if anything should I be doing for my hive to insulate the hives or insure they have sufficient resources?
7)Just a quick update on my laying worker nucleus. What you recommended, worked.
8) After JC's Bees was hacked last week, watch for scams.
9) I have a question about the beesmart insulated inner covers. I put one on my 8-frame box, but can't put an 8-fram box on the cover. The intention was to have a feeder shim. 48:15
10) I have searched around the web attempting to get specific answers regarding proper filters for respirators/masks for Oxalic Acid Vaporization.
11) Can you go into a little more detail on how you use your resource hives to help build up weak hives? I'm primarily interested in how you introduce a frame of brood.
12) Why use 1:1 syrup at all if they don't have to dry out 2:1 syrup? Here it is fall and I have a couple of hives that need more capped honey.
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