Frederick Dunn shares his experiences with backyard honey bee keeping and management. Viewers of his YouTube Channel send in their backyard bee-related questions and Fred responds. Join us won’t you? Visit the Frederick Dunn YouTube Channel to see Fred’s video content covering a wide range of topics.
Friday Mar 26, 2021
Backyard Beekeeping Question and Answers Episode 103 with Frederick Dunn
Friday Mar 26, 2021
Friday Mar 26, 2021
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This is the audio portion of today's Youtube: https://youtu.be/zDCrLTkHmk4
Get your own podcast coffee mug: https://freds-fine-products.preview.teespring.com/listing/honey-bee-with-pollen-on-face#previewData=U2FsdGVkX18mZCDppOQ53QTV8WvvoVdfiHuw7ViUlnIFvINsJyH8rXOJMxQ1nef/
Time stamps and links brought to you by the over-achieving Adam Holmes
1) Have you had a chance to open your Long Langstroth Hive yet? 2:00
2) There is too much space between lower frames and upper frames, more than the recommended 3/8" "bee space", could I shave off the boxes to get them closer to that ideal space and eliminate the burr comb issues? 10:10
3) You have talked about not using Queen Excluders and using a honey-bridge in Flow-Hives to prevent the queen from laying. My confusion is, what is preventing the Queen from expanding her brood into a medium super? 17:55
4) Do you re-queen feral bees, swarms that you catch? And if so, do you recommend waiting 3 days? 26:20
5) I have a hive with a laying worker, confirmed by only drone brood present, should I allow them to dwindle away, or combine them with another active hive? 30:17
6) One item that still perplexes me, is how the boxes just merely stack on each other. We have high winds etc... 40:55
7) Is there a downside to taking a frame of honey and brood from another hive to help keep swarms in their box? I have a colony that isn't completely dead, but has only a few bees coming and going. Should they be helped? 45:30
8) How did the Broodminder function over winter for you? 52:20
9) How do you deal with a very small colony if you also have large ones? 55:50
10) I built a long Langstroth hive, I put a nucleus colony in it and they did not survive. I used all plastic Acorn Frames. 1:04:04
11) Why do you put your Long Lang hive entrance elevated from the bottom, why not have it level with the interior floor? 1:09:04
12) I have 4 hives that are doing great, is late March, early April too early for making splits? 1:15:09
13) Will a queen lay workers that vary in appearance? Or is this likely due to bee drift? Thoughts? 1:17:41
14) Do you recommend reversing boxes? The lower box has only drawn comb. 1:23:09
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